Sunday School convenes at the same time as the adult Sunday service.  10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Older students meet in the office.  Younger students meet in the Sunday School area shown in the larger photo below.

Classes are provided for children starting at the age of three and continuing through for young people up to the age of twenty.

Students are taught from the earliest age that God and His love is always with them, an ever presence for them to turn to and rely upon.

The  Lord’s Prayer, The Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes, as written in the Bible, are the cornerstones of the Sunday School curriculum. Special attention is given to showing children how these and other teachings of Jesus Christ can be applied in their daily lives. They are taught how to seek God’s help with problems and challenges and how to express gratitude to God for all of their blessings.

Our Sunday School is an active and joyful place, and all children are lovingly welcomed.

Nursery care is provided for children too young to attend Sunday School.

Sunday School area for younger classes.

Early lessons in the Sunday School center on the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes and God’s love.

The Ten Commandments

Students learn about God and His love for all mankind.